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Upload and Submission Form for the Mittelalternativ-Challenge

Music Upload

Click here or drag and drop your music file.

Please use the artist or the title of your piece in the file name.


Uploading is technically separate from the submission form. You can upload a piece first and then register. Or upload afterwards. I.e. if you have uploaded a large file and the registration form fails it is enough to submit the registration again. The music is already "here".

Submission Form

Artist, band, ensemble, etc. Can also be anonymous or a stage name

Name of your music piece

This given license explicitly only applies to the challenge audio file submissions. Any subsequent or further recordings, arrangements, adaptions, music videos or live performances are completely independent. They can be treated by the musicians as their own work, meaning "All rights reserved" for the musicians.

Your address will NOT be published. NO automatic newsletter subscription.
May be used for questions and messages from the organizer.

Will be published if given.
Website, Youtube etc. Multiple URLs can be written one after the other.

Will be published as well, if available. No line breaks. Maximum 450 characters.
Any information such as lineup, making-of etc.

If the upload form still doesn't work please upload your own audio file yourself elsewhere and send an email with artist, license, title and the download link to nils@hilbricht.net.


Nils Hilbricht
c/o RA Matutis
Berliner Straße 57
14467 Potsdam

Email: nils@hilbricht.net
Tel: 0221 98657450

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